Download NetXMS

NetXMS Version 5.1.4

Older versions can be found in archive.

Debian and Ubuntu

This repository contains binary packages for all components of NetXMS (server, agent, etc.) for deb-based distributions.

Recommended way to add a repository is to use the netxms-release-latest.deb package, which contains the source list file of the repository as well as the signing key for all supported distributions.

sha256sum netxms-release-latest.deb # should be 18db187d42946041ff5edfccd53982f309747420bf1374432713ace0029e34fa
sudo dpkg -i netxms-release-latest.deb
sudo apt-get update

Check our Administration manual for detailed guide.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

This repository contains binary packages for all components of NetXMS (server, agent, etc.) for RHEL-compatible distributions. Simplest way to install is using "dnf config-manager":

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Check our Administration manual for detailed guide.


This repository contains binary packages for all components of NetXMS (server, agent, etc.) for Fedora. Simplest way to install is using "dnf config-manager":

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Check our Administration manual for detailed guide.


NetXMS server binaries for Windows are limited to 250 nodes when running without a valid license. A license for an unlimited number of nodes is included with any tier of the commercial support contract or NetXMS Enterprise.


Please contact the support team if you have an active support contract and haven’t received your key file yet, or contact the sales team for further information or to request a free trial period.


This limitation does not apply to the educational and non-profit organisations. Please reach out to [email protected] for further assistance.

Package type Package Signature
Windows (x64) installer netxms-server-5.1.4-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG

Client Binaries

Platform Package Signature
Windows (x64) installer netxms-client-5.1.4-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG
Standalone, cross-platform nxmc-5.1.4-standalone.jar SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Windows (x64) installer netxms-legacy-gui-5.1.4-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Windows (x64) archive with JRE SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Windows (x64) archive SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Linux (x64) archive nxmc-5.1.4-linux-gtk-x64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Linux (aarch64) archive nxmc-5.1.4-linux-gtk-aarch64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - macOS (Intel) nxmc-5.1.4.dmg SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - macOS (Apple Silicon) nxmc-5.1.4-aarch64.dmg SHA256 , GPG
Web interface (war) nxmc-5.1.4.war SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Web interface (war) nxmc-legacy-5.1.4.war SHA256 , GPG
Web interface (windows installer) netxms-webui-5.1.4-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG

Agent Binaries

Platform Package Signature
Windows (x64) nxagent-5.1.4-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG
Windows (ARM) nxagent-5.1.4-aarch64.exe SHA256 , GPG
Windows (x86) nxagent-5.1.4-x86.exe SHA256 , GPG
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x64) nxagent-5.1.4-rhel8-x86_64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (x64) nxagent-5.1.4-rhel7-x86_64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x86) nxagent-5.1.4-linux-x86.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x86) nxagent-5.1.4-linux-x86.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x64) nxagent-5.1.4-linux-x86_64.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x64) nxagent-5.1.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (arm) nxagent-5.1.4-linux-arm.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (static, x86) nxagent-5.1.4-linux-x86-static.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (static, x64) nxagent-5.1.4-linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
AIX (7.1 and higher) Available with support subscription
AIX (6.1 and higher) Available with support subscription
Solaris 11 (sparc) Available with support subscription
Solaris 11 (x86) Available with support subscription
Generic UNIX (source) nxagent-5.1.4.apkg SHA256 , GPG

Integration tools

Package Signature
netxms-websvc-5.1.4.warHTTP/REST API server SHA256 , GPG
nxshell-5.1.4.jarPython-based interactive shell and sripting engine SHA256 , GPG
netxms-jira-connector-3.7.jarJira (self-hosted) plugin for integration with NetXMS SHA256 , GPG

Source Code

Package Signature
netxms-5.1.4.tar.gzSource package SHA256 , GPG

Java API

All Java API components are available in Maven Central Repository ( netxms-base, netxms-client ) or any mirror.


Signing key C72F55498B31A527181D91D9179C0A80CDFADDB1 is available here or at any public key server.


pub   rsa4096 2015-03-29 [SC] [expires: 2025-03-05]
      C72F 5549 8B31 A527 181D  91D9 179C 0A80 CDFA DDB1
uid           [ unknown] NetXMS Automatic Signing Key <[email protected]>
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